Menopausal Not Mad Services

How do we help you?

If you’re reading this, you’re likely to be experiencing a wide variety of symptoms like anxiety, low mood, low sex drive, itchy skin and erratic periods.

Don’t Panic!

It’s possibly peri menopause which, contrary to what you’ve been told… isn’t the end of the world and you don’t have to put up with feeling so rubbish!

Private Facebook Groups and Online Courses



Book a Menopause Video Consultation

Book a Menopause Video Review

Book a Menopause Email Consultation


Gift Vouchers

This voucher could change the recipient’s life. I know that sounds dramatic but it really could! So many women struggle on with menopausal anxiety, exhaustion, low mood and much more; never knowing how much better they can feel. You’re doing a lovely thing right now.



The Educator Program

Are you looking to create your own support community?

Being part of the Menopausal Not Mad (MNM) expert community is a unique and rewarding position to hold.

As hormone and HRT educators, we remove the confusion and fear around menopause and HRT for all our clients, by providing them with up to date information and recommendations to enable them to safely and easily manage their HRT regimes and medical appointments.

MNM educators offer an often life changing service for so many women but of course it takes time to develop the skills and experience needed.

As the founder of the MNM Educator Program this is a huge step! It is such an important role and needs commitment. It’s not for everyone but it may be for you?….