The Menopause & HRT Course

ADHD & Menopause Strategy Course


COMING in 2024!!

I would love to say I am perfect and have it all figured out (obviously I’m perfectly me!) but like most of us I have had to work hard to get to myself, and the ADHD traits I have clearly grown up displaying, managing and masking, are part of who I am.

It hasn’t been an easy journey to get here, but GREAT NEWS!

You can benefit from all my hard work! (yay!) and that opportunity is coming in 2024.

When you commit to taking back control of your health with me and my community, you’re becoming part of an action taking and solution focused approach to wellness.

I have your back

I understand and…

I can help!

Great combination!

You are the only person who is perfectly you”

So what now?

Grab a cuppa and relax whilst you consider how lovely that all sounds, and when you sign up to the waiting list, you’ll hear from me soon.

In the meantime I highly recommend a fabulous plant based product, not containing any nasties,  which is also recommended by MIND and many clinicians, for it’s mood and focus enhancing properties.

I take Brainzyme when I need to focus on a project and I personally love them.

You can see the link to purchase them HERE