Menopausal Not Mad Approved

HRT Educators

Menopausal Not Mad associate HRT Educators are a fabulous addition to our support.

All HRT Educators have completed the Menopausal Not Mad CPD Accredited (48 points) HRT Educator Programme and they cannot wait to help you!

I am so proud of them for all the work they have put into helping others.

You’re in good hands.

*Please contact the relevant associate educator direct with any booking queries.

Nicola Peters

HRT Educator

Nicola is a qualified coach with an honours degree in biosciences and has spent over 23 years in the scientific industry in the UK and Middle East. She is also a Menopausal Not Mad CPD Accredited HRT Educator and now part of our associate team.

She is passionate about empowering women to take control of their menopause.

Nicola felt totally underprepared for peri menopause but has since worked hard to learn about menopause and HRT, so that she can help others as well as manage her own experience.

Nicola says:

I understand that every woman’s menopause will be different and I’d love to help you get to the core of your menopause and hormone challenges, with practical, current advice and a listening ear. We will work together throughout your consultation to develop a plan to move you forward with confidence”

If you’re looking to really get your HRT and menopause sorted then you can book a consultation with Nicola on the links below.

You can email Nicola direct on:

Jen Muir

HRT Educator

Jen is a therapeutic coach & trainer, specialising in menopause anxiety. She has been working in the integrative health industry for over 20 years, and is a Menopausal Not Mad CPD Accredited HRT Educator.

She has supported many men and women through some tough health challenges. She offers one-to-one programmes of coaching, education and therapy so if you’re a menopause or HRT newbie and would like some support, guidance and a plan, then you can book with Jen.

Jen says:

I honestly thought I knew anxiety but I’d never looked at it through a menopausal point of view until I was forced to do just that when a couple of years ago I experienced severe perimenopausal anxiety out of the blue. I am now committed to empower women with the help and information they need to overcome menopausal anxiety, rediscover their confidence and take back control of their work and personal lives”

You can email Jen direct on:

Sara Joyner

HRT Educator

Sara has a clinical background as a qualified midwife. She has always had a passion for women’s health and health inequalities and is now an accredited Menopausal Not Mad HRT Educator.
Sara has experience of supporting women through very intense and personal situations and understands the importance of empathetic, non-judgemental support coupled with down to earth, up to date clinical advice.

Sara says:

I had an early menopause but at the time no-one knew what was wrong. I had just had a baby so was told my symptoms were probably due to tiredness and that I’d get back to normal soon. 
When I eventually got a referral to a menopause clinic, I was reluctant to take HRT because I was scared of the reported health risks and wasted a lot of time before starting. I felt ashamed and isolated back then and I don’t want anyone else to feel that way. I will listen to you, support you and give you the knowledge and power to make your own informed decisions

You can email Sara direct on:

Nicole Page

HRT Educator

Nicole is a qualified teacher and scientist, with a Masters (distinction) in Forensics. She has over 20 years experience in biological sciences education. She is also now a Menopausal Not Mad CPD Accredited HRT Educator and part of our associate team.

Nicole has dealt with a lifelong rare genetic condition, so is experienced at carrying out her own research to present to doctors.

Nicole says:

Having struggled much of my life with doctors reading my notes and not even being able to pronounce my condition; I was horrified to find the same thing happening when I was clearly perimenopausal. I had assumed something that affected around half of the population would be well recognised, but I struggled for several years before I identified my hormones as the issue. I don’t believe this should happen to anyone else. My love of research and education led me to Jane Pangbourne whom I saw educating people responsibly and scientifically. I knew I’d found my path and now I work to empower you to renew and rebalance your hormones”

You can email Nicole direct on:

Our next HRT Educator is coming soon!

Our next HRT Educator is coming soon!