My Story…

I founded Menopausal Not Mad ® as a progression from my 30+ years working within the personal growth industry and my own experiences of being peri and now post menopausal.

But that’s not what you want to read!

You want to know whether I ever felt as sh*t as you! Errr.. totally!

My peri menopausal symptoms made me miserable and if I look back, I think I started peri menopause in my very late 30s. (as I type this I’m now 57 years old)

When I was peri menopausal I suffered with a wide spectrum of symptoms such as low mood, allergies, confusion, extreme fatigue and as my children will confirm, I was quite manic at times!… but nobody ever suggested peri menopause was a possibility and I felt sidelined and ignored (sound familiar?)

In October 2022 I had a total hysterectomy including bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (that’s everything out to you and me!), after which I was told that they had found a rare ovarian cancer…so the story continues on!

You can read about that journey and all that surrounds that if you click HERE

What am I all about?

I spent a lot of my adult life aspiring to other people’s expectations of me but that doesn’t happen any longer and I try to instil that confidence into my wellness community to help them understand that there’s always a way.

I don’t suffer selfish and unkind people; either in real life or in the fickle 2D world of social media; and injustice totally grinds my gears! but when you’re in my inner circle of friendship, community or trust, I won’t let you down.

I work really hard to make sure that you don’t have to.

In case it interests you, I hold a level 6 certificate as a women’s health practitioner, a professional nutritionist qualifcation and numerous menopause, pelvic health and personal development certifications. (see details further down this page)

In 2024 I was awarded a Trauma Informed Coach certification and by the end of 2024 I will have completed a Sleep Consultant Diploma. 

You Deserve the Best:

It’s not necessary for any woman to feel ignored, sidelined or unable to access the right support during peri and post menopause, and having experienced all of that; including being given antidepressants, sent for therapy, told I was imagining my symptoms and that my marriage was obviously not good!.. I feel passionate about my role in women’s lives and you deserve better.

So come on … let’s get you sorted!

What Can You Do To Help Yourself?

Life is never perfect and not every ailment is caused by menopause, but hormones are really important so that’s where we start!

Working with me is a roller coaster of understanding, gentle nagging, practical solution planning and total honesty; with a virtual caring arm to soothe you.

BUT… if you only take notice of one piece of advice from me, let it be this…..

Menopause is a natural process (so is death by the way!), but you don’t have to put up with difficult symptoms and the long term health issues associated with low estrogen levels.

Seek help from the right sources and always do what works best for you. 

You know you best!

“The session was so helpful! Jane’s knowledge is phenomenal and she really put me at ease. I feel so much more confident in approaching my doctor now! Thank you!…And if you do stars, then it’s 5 ⭐️”

Caroline: (Client & Group member)

“My doctor was very happy with your recommendations.

She said I had clearly done my research. I told her I knew a brilliant lady who’d done it for me!”

Anonymous (2020)

“Contacting you was one of the best decisions I have ever made! Your help and knowledge have been invaluable. I am confident I will soon be back to my former self”

Lisa (2021)

My Professional Memberships

I have over 30 years experience mentoring in personal development and am a Senior Member of the International Menopause Society (IMS


Level 6 Certified Women’s Health Practitioner

Certified Trauma Informed Coach

Women’s Pelvic Health Certificated

Female Pelvic Floor Muscle Anatomy & Physiology Certificated

Hormone Health & Testosterone Certificated

Level 5 Post Compulsory Education & Training Certificated


Sleep Consultant Diploma - Completing end 2024

Professional Nutritionist Accreditation

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Diploma