Menopausal Not Mad Charities

I am passionate about helping to improve women’s physical and mental health which includes young girls in poorer countries or disadvantaged UK areas, including women who need additional support when life has become too difficult. 

I value Education, Information and Support for everyone.

My Sponsored Half Marathon in aid of Ovarian Cancer Awareness and Research

Target Ovarian Cancer is the UK’s leading ovarian cancer charity working to improve early diagnosis, fund life-saving research and provide support to women with ovarian cancer.

Some of you know that I run as often as I can (or am forced to!) More like a trundle around but I had to stop due to a severe bowel prolapse, gut problems and assorted gynaecological issues.

I had a bowel prolapse repair and total hysterectomy in October 2022 and took 5 or so months to recover properly, which included regaining faith and trust in the body I felt had let me down for so long.

I had been sidelined many times regarding my ongoing and worsening symptoms, so used my savings to pay for a private hysterectomy and bowel prolapse repair. I begged the surgeon to also remove my ovaries as they were of no use to me.

That turned out to be the best decision I have ever made as he found I had ovarian cancer which was a surprise to all of us!

I don’t believe in luck and I want more women to be more aware of symptoms and options available as well as to help fund early detection and treatment.

Awareness of ovarian cancer is low, and its share of UK research funding has dropped, with three quarters of women with ovarian cancer reporting that they do not get the support they need.

Together we can make sure women in the UK have the best chances of survival and get the right support at the right time, in a way that’s right for them.

Raise awareness

Fund research

Save lives.

So… I’m running the London Landmark Half Marathon to raise funds for this great charity to do my small bit to help both the menopause community and all women and their loved ones everywhere.

I have sadly had to defer my place until 6th April 2025 due to a torn ligament, rheumatoid arthritis flare ups and a bout of Covid making it impossible for me to train, but all current and future sponsorship is still very much welcome and appreciated by the charity.

They and London Landmark have been fabulous in allowing me to defer if this is possible, and any sponsorship will still be going direct to them.

Thank you x

Sharon Bull | A Compassionate Voice

Jane x

Running is not my superpower and doing the right thing for your body and mind isn’t always easy.
Who needs easy anyway?!

A Compassionate Voice

I have supported A Compassionate Voice since 2020 and am a huge advocate of Sharon’s work with women.

My support includes free menopause workshops and Q&A sessions to offer some reassurance and guidance to women who are struggling to cope with menopausal symptoms or who need advice on HRT.

Sharon is a kind force of nature, giving so much of herself to help others.

What Sharon says about us:

A HUGE thank you to the amazing Jane Pangbourne

Menopausal Not Mad and the wonderful Jane never fail to be amazing!
Thank you for the Compassionate Voices sessions. I know everyone who attends goes away armed with information and knowledge.

I found the information gripping. Every time Jane runs these sessions, I learn something new and think WOW – now that makes sense! Thank you for answering everyone’s questions so perfectly.

We love you Jane! X”

Sharon Bull

Sharon Bull | A Compassionate Voice
Sharon Bull founded A Compassionate Voice CIC (a not-for-profit organisation) in July 2019.

The mission of the Compassionate Voices community is: “To create a more compassionate society through encouragement of good mental health, openness, and a better understanding of each other”.

I have become a regular speaker within this community and feel privileged to support the charity in raising the profile of mental well being and specifically around the mental health challenges surrounding menopause.

Sharon and I are totally aligned in our practical approach to informing, educating and supporting.

We are honoured to be placed alongside some fabulous sponsors in the Compassionate Voice 2023 impact document and look forward to continuing to support Sharon’s mission.


I am so proud to sponsor a young girl with Plan International.

In early 2023 I began to offer support to Therese who was born in 2015 and lives with her family in the East African province of Burkina Faso.

My ongoing contribution helps to ensure Therese is kept safe, and enables her to attend school so that she can have a better life as she grows and has access to better long term opportunities.

I feel priviledged to be part of Therese’s life journey.


Plan International improve children’s lives by helping to:

Improve access to safe water

Advocate for education for all children and specifically for girls who are often not able to attend school.

Protect children in many ways including lobbying to raise the legal age of marriage to 18 years.


Action Aid

Imagine you’ve just started your period but you have NO SANITARY PROTECTION!

Most of us are in a part of the world where a quick nip to the shops or a knock on a friend’s door can solve this problem.

Imagine now that you’re a women or a young lady who has fled her home due to horrific circumstances and now lives in a refugee camp where supplies of basic sanitary needs, (tampons, towels), just don’t exist.

Where getting your period fills you with dread; leaving you feeling undignified.

ActionAid UK’s She CAN campaign is trying to make a difference to the lives of women and children. They are tackling issues such as helping to provide girls with access to education, tackling child marriage and on a smaller, but such a significant scale, provide basics such as sanitary towels to help women and young girls retain their dignity.

The UK government is matching every donation to the appeal pound for pound, which means it has never been more important to donate.

Every pound matters.


I am a huge advocate of women and girls having control over their bodies and being able to just get on with their lives in a safe and respectful world.

Action Aid is my most recent charity partner and my support goes some way to ensuring that period poverty is not a factor in the lives of disadvantaged women and girls.

The Menopause Charity works very much in line with my own approach and aims to:

Eliminate needless suffering by providing evidence-based information in a way that everyone understands.

Ensure everyone has equal access to appropriate treatment and support, so they have the tools they need to manage the mental and physical changes of perimenopause and menopause.

Replace existing stigma and social taboo with the view that menopause is part of our health journey; and, handled well, it can be the beginning of a positive new chapter in our lives.

Why not start with their symptoms checker by clicking HERE then take it from there.

Download Menopause Charity Posters for your Workplace


For evidence based support, join my VIP Health Membership community HERE
