
Menopausal Not Mad consists of a fabulous team.

We’re a mixed bag of people all passionate about HRT and trained to help.

You’re in good hands when you work with us.

Tina’s Story

If you’re feeling low and desperate about your symptoms; meet Tina! She was feeling that way too and now she’s back to feeling like herself again after years of distress.

Here’s a video of our chat and she has subsequently asked me to add some additional words of reassurance for you.

“Oh my gosh, the group literally has been a godsend. I could see all the hard work Jane and her team put into helping thousands of ladies; offering their support, help and guidance.

It wasn’t long before I started asking questions in the group and with all their help and expert advice and reassurance, I’ve made some changes to my HRT regime, knowing that perseverance is key.  All the information is evidence based. The group is so well monitored and is a friendly, supportive community.
I no longer take painkillers daily and I now feel it’s a privilege to be alive and to be part of a fabulous team. 

We are not alone”